So today I really didnt have much to say... But I know that I do hate Monday's. For soem reason I am a little more tired on Modany morning than any other day! I cannot even think about getting out of bed before 7:15, even with JM's countless efforts to get me up, even the threat of dragging me out of the bed by my ankles doesn't phase me anymore. The weekends really just take it all out of me!
And this weekend, just like almost every other weekend in the McCracken/ Grigsby House we left for a wedding! (Side note- I cannot wait to just say McCracken House!)
This weekend's wedding was in Macon, GA! It was beautiful! Everything from the church to all of the details at the reception were stunning! The new married couple, Laura (beautiful Bride!) and Tim (dashing Groom) made a beatiful couple! Even though it rained a little, everything was wonderful- even the Jamacian Rum Punch that I had all night!
Now that I think about it the rum could be another contributing factor to my Monday hatred...
On to hair color... tonight I am going to the salon to get a little highlight touch up... these roots are getting straight up trashy! and I am in desperate need of a trim! I never cut my hair anymore and to be honest you could color my hair purple (again) and I would welcome that- BUT a bad hair cut to me is so much worse... Once the hair starts falling to the ground (even if it is just s centimeter) I start to tear up! I think that it stems back to a time in highschool when I did one of those "hair make over" things! She cut like 7 inches off all in one slice! I cried instantly, like a two year old! So I admit I have a problem about cutting my hair... but today is the day to have another centimeter cut off- its all about baby steps right?
and one last thing... and everyone PLEASE COMMENT as I am lost on this one!!!!
So JM and I have been trying to figure out what the last song at our wedding will be... I dont want it to be some cheezy "last dance song" that you might hear at a prom! BUt at the same time he has proposed a Lil' Wayne song, a Beasty Boys song, AND a Queen song. I CANNOT imagine the last thing that we dance to on that special night to be "we are the champions" ... I mean really??? Everyone please let me know what you think! All that he keeps saying is "Babe, it's all about compromise!" Well last time I checked compromise is NOT me dancing to "Fight for your right to party" by Beasty boys either!!!!!
I guess it is just another "Manic Monday"
Heart-Shaped Chocolate Hazelnut Sandwich Cookies
2 weeks ago
Jimmy Buffett "Love and Luck". That's this girl's "last dance" song in the future...