How far along?: 34 weeks and 3 days!
*Total weight gain?: Well... since I lost close to 15 lbs in the beginning.... I really am only up a little since the starting weight.
*How big is baby?: According to 18 inches long and 4 3/4 pounds...
*Sex: Sugar and Spice and Everything nice! That's what little girls are made of!
*Maternity clothes: I am ONLY in maternity clothes.... T-shirts and maternity jeans every day! Oh and my feet are too swollen for anything but this one pair of black flip flops!
*Stretch marks: Looks like a tiger got me. BUT as soon as they come they fade... I just keep oiling up.... I finally accepted that there is nothing in the world I can do to prevent them. IF they are going to happen they will, and the only way to get ride of them short of lasers and a tummy tuck is to just accept them for what they are. Battle scars on the road to motherhood.
*Sleep: Not good. Not good at all.... Vivi thinks that my sides are punching bags and a treadmill. She is most active at night.... I sleep for an hour or two at a time then get up to go to the bathroom and chug more water. I am constantly thirsty... AND ALWAYS have to go to the bathroom.
*Symptoms: Fat feet, sore hips..... REALLY sore hips! Waking up to numb hands kinda sucks.
*Movement: Yes, she is a mover and a shaker! BIG TIME! IF I eat anything sweet then she will go crazy... Most movement is at night.
*Food cravings: Not really anything lately...I feel like Im not as hungry lately. Just VERY cold and juicy fruit, cereal, and more cold and juicy fruit.
*Labor signs: Having some period type cramps occationally and also some Lightning/sharp pains in the cervical area....which I read means things are progressing! I get checked for the forst time next week and I am scared... What if she wants to come now? I am not ready for her just yet! Ultrasound in two weeks to see what is going on...
*Belly button in or out: Flat-ish... At night after I eat and am full... it wants to come out. I want it to stay in.
*What I miss: Being able to sit up, taking a deep breath, walking normal, sleeping on my back, sleeping through the nite, not peeing every 5 minutes, my ankles... I do miss having a Coors Light. Classy right? I mean it is football season... I missed it at the lake this summer as well... I thought I would miss wine- but really? I don't miss it at all.
*What I'm looking forward to: Dr. Appt. this Friday... After this one we go to once a week appointments!
*Best moment of the week: I got an AWESOME package from my dear friend in Canada!!! She sent me some awesome loose leaf tea, salsa, and enen a scrapbook of me and JM! IT was a craft project she had on her blog! It is too awesome! Will be sharing pics soon!
Last week was getting my hair done.... this week will be going back to have it fixed. Boo.... I asked for the newest trend... Ombre highlights.... (Thinks Sarah Jessica Parker darker roots, with brighter ends! Very low maintenance....) well there is not enough blonde at the ends! SAD! It looks good, but not what I wanted. HEy if I had the gift certificate then I am going to get what I want right?
So that is what is going on this week...
That and I had a breakdown today. I have not had any serious freak outs until today...
Today I went to Kroger after having lunch with my Grandparents and my Great Aunt Bunny... (Hey Papa! Thank you for the Chinese!) I went to get stamps so I can mail out the thank you notes I wrote LAST WEEK! I have been to the store 3 times for stamps and keep forgetting them...
Today I forgot them again! AND they didnt have JM's favorite yogurt either.
SO when I called JM to ask him to please stop and get them both... I CRIED. Like a baby. I cried all the way down Peachtree Rd. Then I cried when I saw a Pampers commercial when I got home!You know the one I am talking about... I cannot see that commercial without tearing up. Today it was all out boo-hoo tears.
It was terrible. I dont even know why I cried... Because there was not yogurt and that I forgot the stamps? Or because I just want for Vivi to get here? Yup I am thinking that is it... and the hormones are taking over.
I am hot, tired, and sore. But I woudlnt trade it for the world right now. I am so excited that she is going to be here before we know it!
Hope that everyone is having a wonderful week!!!!
Heart-Shaped Chocolate Hazelnut Sandwich Cookies
2 weeks ago